Friday, 4 May 2012

challenges faced by women in public relations

Women are the majority in public relations,yet they face challenges in this field. Women find themselves faced with challenges such as salary,hiring,sexual harassment, roles and job satisfaction. Men are paid better salaries in public relations than women despite their lack of experience and knowledge of skills, whereas women a paid less amount of money even though they have better experience than men. women are hired for more technical roles in companies such as implementing decisions made by others, writing , editing, producing messages making media contacts, meeting with peers and handling making calls whereas men are hired for more managerial positions such as counselling management, supervising the work of others, conducting or analysing research, making communication policy, planning and managing budgets and meeting with clients/ executives. With job satisfaction men are satisfied with their income and greater satisfaction with opportunities for advancement and women have become more satisfied with factors such as job security.

Most companies will prefer hiring men over women who have better experience,knowledge of skills and more experience to balance gender equality in public relations. Most women find it hard to be promoted and more likely agreed it is hard for them to reach the top. It is believed women who have children find it hard to juggle both work and their families therefore they produce less quality work than men. Sexual harassment is also one of the challenges women are faced with, men believe women should use their sexuality in order   for them to get clients and gain managerial positions. Women are believed to be emotionally involved and controlling at times therefore they don't deserve to be in leadership. despite women being the new majority in public relations they are still treated unfairly and with disrespect, i think its about time women are recognised for their hard work,the overall knowledge of public relations and how much they value their jobs and i believe they deserve managerial positions like men.


  1. Challenges are there to make us stronger, they were not meant to brake us.

  2. being a PRP does cost hey, imagine we are stressed now stiudyng it what would we be in the working environment.

  3. It is not easy as a PR Student particularly a female to make it in the field of Public relations one needs to undergo a lot before the big break this is from my own personal point of view.
